Monday 26 October 2009

Thoughts for this week.....

Some Profound feelings around my thoughts started on Monday whilst I browsed the web for a specific themed picture I wanted ...

I came across the lovely actress Brooke Shields on 'You Tube' at Michael's Jackson's Memorial. I listened to her in awe as she spoke warmly and sincerely about her friendship with Michael and the silly little things they got up to together and how those little things brought laughter and much joy to them both. It struck me there and then, just how the little things can mean so much... not just when someone has passed over but now when family and friends are here. My heart went out to her as she eloquently continued to describe what it felt like for her not to have her wonderful friend around anymore. I unashamedly have to admit to making a mental note... Continue to appreciate and embrace my wonderful world and its contents, enjoying what I have and hold dear....

My picture... which by the way I absolutely love, depicts my continued thoughts around motivation... it's just as much for me as for my fellow bloggers.... I thoroughly enjoy looking at pictures and words that quote motivational inspiration, encouraging us to search further, wider and harder for our dreams. I especially like it when I'm advised ... never give up, never give in or never lose sight of the dream or what you want, hope and pray for.....

I have to add to you my friend... In our world pictures and words just don't do it... I've discovered a very special ingredient which sadly not everyone has access too... that's friends & family... Since writing I have joyfully discovered a whole new world on the outside of the norm with family, friends and lately even strangers warmly encouraging me to explore new realms and regions.... I am so grateful for all their advice, love and support. I will never lose sight or faith with them around me...

On Tuesday evening, my thoughts were brought to the attention of a young lady who made what she said was an online confession. It involved sexual, physical & emotional abuse as well as down and out parental neglect... she suffered abysmally as a result... I spent some time this evening responding to her very long and brave statement. I'm hoping with all my heart that I have brought her an element of peace so that she can grasp it with both hands and work with it.... Sadly there are so many of us who progress through life, holding on to stuff that needs to be released. She knows who she is... so if your out there come and say Hi......

Wednesday went by in a flurry to find me fast asleep on the sofa by early evening... Then On Thursday although it was a busy happy day for me it was also tinged with sadness... my lovely friend Sue from work is leaving us.... but the darling brought in one of her delightful, delicious cakes... I think it's called Coconut delight with flowers on.... heres a link for you to see.... It was scrummy and moist, disappearing in no time. Thanks Sue, good luck in pastures new and don't you forget us my friend, cos we had some fun and a lot of laughs. Mwah xxxx

The only thing I can say for friday.... is Thank Crunchie for it..... Now wait for this.... I'm a Red Devil on a girls nite out this evening... so watch out for the pics and I promise you I wont do anything you wouldn't do... hahahaha :)

Angel hopes to fly back soon xxxxx

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sue I'm getting so high tech now... the link worked so I'm a happy little bunny xxxx
