Sunday 24 July 2022

The Investigation...


Image from Pinterest

Meet Alan King. Private Detective... Smokes like a trouper. A lover of the under-dog. He loves coffee, although prefers whiskey, engages well with the female of the species, but cant help himself, hes old school, and relaxes more with the boys. Nothing ever surprises him, hes seen and heard it all. 

Love this character, and not surprisingly, Chapter 8 belongs to him. I'm having to take a bit of time out to research criminology and crime dating back to the 1930's. I have to be honest, I'm out of my depth on this subject, but I'm determined to research, to make sure I give it a good shot. (fingers-crossed)

Already I'm racing ahead, cant wait to get into the other chapters however, I endevour to practice self discipline, I need to do it right. So much done, yet so much to do...

Have a great week ahead and until sometime soon... 


Saturday 16 July 2022

I Write for Two Reasons...

Image from Pinterest
Not everyone writes for fame and fortune, although, if it happened, it would be all well and good... I write for me, and to try and perfect the craft. I do wish I'd started sooner, but it wasn't possible. I'm thoroughly enjoying the journey, and that's all that matters. 

Another day working on Chapter 8.  I'm finding this part in the story a little challenging, due to needing to know procedures for murder cases, and then there's a time constraint. But I'll get there. And hopefully, if its worth publishing, I'm sure I will have the right people around me for help, and support.

The buzz it gives me as I plod along is soul satisfying, it seems, this is what I was born to do... 

Take care in the Heat-Wave this weekend... Have fun! 


Wednesday 13 July 2022

Flames of Passion...

He had my name on him, so why did he choose her?

Isabelle is struggling with what she witnessed in the club last night, watching Alma and Shay together, isn't what she needed. This... she is quick to remind me, will end in tears. 

If ever there was a character who was persistent in my ear, its this one. Isabelle doesn't leave anything alone, she's like a dog with a bone, and pecks away at you. However, I cannot let her in right now, because I have to complete Chapter 7, and commence Chapter 8, with the investigation around the murder of Alma's father. If I'm honest, I think I could write a whole book on Isabelle, shes turned out to be an amazing character, with a lot to offer. 

Today the word count must be high, and if I see flames of passion rise from my finger tips as they fly over the keys, I will be one happy writer. 

I might add that right now I have company, Jiminy Cricket has joined me, and today he sits on my shoulder. It's always great to have someone who believes in you. 

Until next time... 

MJ Ewen 


Tuesday 12 July 2022

Alma Essie...

Image shared from Pinterest.

The year is 1946. Alma Essie, and Shay Connor, have hit it off big time. It seems for twenty two year old Alma, this is going to be her year for events, and happenings. She is a big part of Chapter 7 which really belongs to Shay, but in telling their story I felt they needed to be together. There are problems, as in most stories, but there are also promises. I've almost finished the first draft of Chapter 7, It's been a delight to do, but then I discovered I like to write romance, and new beginnings. It's even better with a psychopath in the wings, who goes by the name of Isabelle Mills.  

Who knows where this journey is going to go...

Until next time soon. 

MJ Ewen 

Thursday 7 July 2022

Shay Connor...


One and a half great days where I've been able to focus fully on Chapter 7. Both days produced good word-counts, but today's has been outstanding... I felt as if there was tremendous heat being produced from my finger tips, and my mind was seeing scenes and pictures, at break neck, pacing speed. 

I love Shay Connor, he's a beautiful man, and is in the right place, at the right time. He has an adventure to go on, but his character is going to be more than ready for it, due to what he can gain, or even, what he might lose. 

Chapter 7 belongs to this guy, however, he shares it with the beautiful Alma Essie. Their story has given me goosebumps. I am really enjoying their adventure... 

So my darlings, coffee break is over, and I'm back on it! 

Until next time...


Saturday 2 July 2022

Don't Tell Me What To Do...

 It's Saturday, my candle flickers, I'm drinking a Smoothie, my darling is working, and Frankie is by my feet...  

What a great day to do what I love best...  

I can't quite believe I completed Chapter 6 yesterday. It's not the longest chapter, but my plan was to keep it short, and not waffle around what happens to Alice Essie. Her story starts out beautiful, but gets unbelievably dark 

It doesn't matter where I go with this novel, Isabelle follows, like a stalker... She isn't the protagonist, but I see shes become the main stay. Well I guess we'll just have to see how Alma develops throughout the chapters, it's in the hands of that little voice inside my head, the content of which I would never try to predict. 

Isabelle, is determined to be, in the words of William Shakespeare, the be-all-and-end-all... Lets keep her on her toes, and give her something to go after. Lets give her a worthy opponent, lets show her that despite beginnings, there are beautiful people in the world, and those beautiful people don't need to be contaminated by those who are broken. 

Chapter 7 here I come... 

Have a wonderful weekend and whatever you do, enjoy, smile, and count your blessings. 

MJ Ewen