Monday 27 February 2023

The Voice...

 A voice tells the story of a moment that changed life, forever...

Looking over the wall was a nightmare but falling into the sea, her end. Surrounded by sharks and her siblings was more than she could take.
A dark sky witnesses huge waves crash against the crumbling brickwork of the highest wall that she'd ever seen, and as her Siblings sink into darkness, beneath the black ocean, she frantically grabs for them, trying her hardest to raise them up out of the water, and to push them up the wall so that onlookers can save them. As the sharks bite into her brothers and sister, blood fills her mouth, when she looks into the terrified eyes of her family... She screams, petrified. She knows she will be next, but if anything happens to her, they will all perish.

nothing happened in the sea that night, or any other night because this particular child was recounting the nightmare of being taken in the middle of the night, by child protection, and medical professionals.
Every night for the longest time, she woke in a sweat, crying, heartbroken because of the same recurring nightmare. A trauma that would stay with her till the end.
Believe it or not it will all work out.
One day, you'll be the adult, you'll make the choices, and it'll be up to you to do what's right, for you and those around you...
She lost her family, so what did she want?... she wanted a family, it was important. With that in her heart she made one, she worked towards it and made it happen. It didn't happen overnight. she worked on herself, and got re-educated and worked towards her dream.

It took a long time. But, it did happen.

'We are not what happens to us. We are who we are despite what happens'.


Just to be clear, being brought into the care-system was the best thing that happened to her.

Monday 6 February 2023

Time For Reflection...

It's hard to believe my last post was the middle of December. Thank you so much for your messages. There's been a lot on my mind. 

I've been thinking about being real, and in studying that I knew it was time to reflect... let things go that weren't serving me, and make a conscious effort to be real. I discovered I was spending much to much time on social media and not accomplishing anything, wasting precious time, which I could use to be doing other meaningful things. It's so easy to get into the habit of wasting time, and it's strange because I can hardly believe how liberated I feel, knowing I can now take time out to do the things I felt I didn't have time for. 

There is a list of things to do. I have a project on the go that requires more research, so now I will focus and be able to continue writing with gusto... Once I have a new excerpt I shall blog again, and hopefully connect with like-minded followers.  Lets face it, most of what happens on Social Media, isn't real... I think once we connect with another who is 100% authentic, and feel the same vibe, its important to stay in-touch. There are not many genuine individuals out there who feel as we do.  

Signing off with love... 

MJ Ewen