Sunday 27 September 2009

Thoughts sent with Love 'n' Light...

Come on you lot... Tell Me... Where does all our precious time go? Where do the hours disappear too? ... How come one minute it’s Monday then its Friday then its Sunday and Blam... Our weekends gone.... It’s scary!!!

Last week was busy, busy, busy... Nothing new there then!!! Again my writing time has diminished and that’s made me feel really sad. Several times I have heard myself wishing for more hours in my day... I tell you this, in my day job I do a lot of driving, it’s always during those times I seem to get most of my insight, my inspiration... I can be going along on any given day... my days are methodically planned... I work by a diary which is also my bible... With the odd cancellation and occasional extra piece work thrown my way.

I can be driving along; it’s so flippin frustrating knowing all these fabulous thoughts are crashing through my brain... I see my story line, I see the characters, I see their roots...their adventures as well as their ultimate endings filled with their wants needs including their desires.... I very clearly see beginnings... Middles... & endings... of story’s I am writing, as well as the story’s that have yet to see ink set onto paper.... The trick for me is to try and remember the way my thoughts went and hopefully jot down what I remember later.... All these great ideas, yet I feel, I can’t progress because I know at this moment in time I have one novel on the go as well as 3 short stories and sadly very little time...

So has you can see some unfinished projects, but I know there’s a lot more where they came from.... Plan of action I think... I need to prioritise. I need to make a list and stick to the plan to see any further progression...

All is well in AngelJanesWorld... Family is good. My beautiful girl has secured herself an apprenticeship so her career starts in a few weeks... much to her joy and mine. My friends are also experiencing good fortune for me that’s always good news... So come on 2009 lets keep experiencing that happiness as well as the joy of hearing welcome news, whether it’s for ourselves or family and friends.

Thank you to everyone for being so wonderfully patient. I know it can be frustrating on my blog sometimes not even getting half a story due to copyright.... you all know my stories are tasters to wet the appetite... So fingers crossed my lovely friends, that at some point the writers world will open its huge cast-iron doors and welcome me in with arms open wide.

I will tell you this... when they do, they wont be disappointed because I know I have what it takes and I know without a shadow of any doubt, I will work extremely hard... My determined, dedication will be given willingly with true devotion.

Right folks really must dash... need to get to grips with 'Nadya's Dream' and maybe a little time for 'Polly Tucker'

Mwah for now Have a great week..... Be with you soon XXX

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