It suddenly dawned on me via the bright light bulb in my head, that something’s in life no matter where, what or who, will never ever change if they dont have the inclination.
Has you all know, I have my own regular light bulb detector, which for most of the time I manage to keep set on low.... This bulb is safely surrounded in a formation. It’s structure like setting is securely glued within my brain and will intermittently flash brightly very much like a neon sign when it clearly realises it needs to make a choice or if through a sudden confirmation could well be months after a decision it confirms the choice and allows me to see that the choice made at that time was for the best. This for the most part is comforting, so often we make choices and decisions but still we question and worry if it was the right thing to do, or not....
For most of the time we all go through life, happily collecting memories which include experiencing life with its colourful inhabitants. Some of these beings are for one reason and another in our lives for short periods of time, both because their not right for us or just because it's not meant to be... Maybe they have their own problems or ultimately their dreams are not your dreams. Whatever the reason, a person won’t stay with you if they don’t want to.... The best thing any of us can do, especially if in a relationship they/you don’t wish to be in, is leave.... It’s usually always for the best, (even if at this moment in time you dont believe that to be true) ... Thankfully the rest of life’s beautiful people are firmly stuck in your heart or attached to your hip because of who, why and what they are... they will always remain.....
Those memories which may be attached to difficult relationships or endings where a struggle took place... should at some stage fade for it’s participants, enabling them to heal... there should be a gentle relaxation within your respective lives with a feeling of relief that you’re no longer living in those times with the possibility of being hurt or rejected. In being apart your both finally and at long last allowed to grow because you’ve been honest in moving on.... Eventually this allows for a wonderful and exciting new chapter to begin.
I’ve had lots of feedback from friends, who have advised me they've tried to be forgiving, trying gently to be friends.... They’ve been polite, open, honest and importantly they were themselves. I discovered It became important for them, to be who they knew themselves to be, but sadly sometimes we all heal at different rates. Occasionally its not possible to be friends, you may find you’re not been received very well, which causes you to feel completely and utterly disappointed. quite often bringing to the surface all those hurt rejected empty feelings. Then you wish with all your heart you hadn't bothered by opening up possible feelings to friendship ......
I’m of the opinion, no matter how many years you get under your belt some of life’s lessons are hard, but you know what my friend, ..... Some people need to look into their own soul, decide which way they need to be.... if you’ve decided and you’re happy, I wish you well... but if you look inside and instantly know you were not cool or that comment or action was un-called for or you pretended to be friends in the hope of finding out irrelevant stuff causing the other person to open up and as so very often happens the other person closes down, leaving another feeling awful... then you know ultimately you were unfair in giving a false impression but so many people do mislead others either by intention or of course unintentional... this ends up causing untold hurt.... you need to address yourself by making amends, which isn't always possible ..... Causing hurt like this is really thoughtless and is totally unecessary, if your not ready to be open warm and genuine then you need to walk on rather then continue to cause the hurt that happens when others are genuine towards you!!!
This is it my friend.... It’s what we do in the here and now that’s crucially important... how we make people feel is vital and fundamental in helping and supporting the rest of our society. I have a saying... One of my own life’s philosophies....
"People will not remember what you said or even what you did.... How ever they will always remember how you made them feel.... "
May all your thoughts be good ones; it’s those thoughts that make good things happen......
Angel will inevitably fly by with more thoughts on life and love.... Till next time, big warm, sincere smile... If we don't meet before Christmas, Have a happy one and listen try to remember all who are less fortunate then us! :) xxxx
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