Oh the thrill of being responsible for making someone HAPPY! One of my favourite magazines is the well-known ‘Cosmopolitan’ this morning I was able to have a break and whilst reading Cosmopolitan, I found myself thinking about possible future Blog features...
I thought to myself, what to share with my readers?
In the magazine I spied an article on being happy... It was about a website
http://www.mybestthingtoday.com/ According to my magazine the website helps to banish bad weather blues... Ultimately reminding us all that everyday can contain at least one sunny moment. So as you all know, I do try to find interesting snippets about things that will hopefully bring smile’s to faces and yes I know, I know... I also end up bringing a tear to your eye, but in my world today it’s ‘SMILEY DAY’ so I decided to check it out...
I immediately saw mybestthingtoday.com is a new venture from 'LIFECLUBS' (personal improvement workshops) I observed and read with interest some lovely postcards sent in anonymously about the best thing that happened to individual people in their day. I also wondered whether it got its idea from another website I’ve heard about called, http://www.postsecret.com/ which works in a similar way. Individuals send postcards in anonymously sharing their darkest secrets...
I totally agree with ‘Physiologies magazine’ (another favourite mag) that reading what other people consider to be the best part of their day can help us appreciate the good things when they happen to us. And in my own book, anything that helps us feel good about anything is well worth a look… :)
Yes, yes. What a wonderful idea to pick out at least one thing from each day that was a "sunny moment." Something that was fun, that made us smile, that got us laughing, that is to be remembered fondly, that is . . . . I think I will concentrate on that today (after I go to sleep first, of course). And wouldn't it be interesting to keep a little notebook and fill it up with just one good thing from each day for a full year, and then look back on it on New Year's Day and remember how all the sunny moments made our lives that much more enjoyable, rewarding, special, . . .
ReplyDeleteGlad you enjoyed the post and the idea and yes, your idea about looking back on a special day like New Years day on those recorded "sunny moments" would be wonderful... Let me know if you manage to do it! :)
ReplyDeleteI'm not a creature of habit and have a hard time sticking to plans, but maybe this time. We shall see. And if I don't do it, that's OK. But if I DO do it, it will be fun and interesting.
ReplyDeleteWell Mike I certainly hope you have a 'sunny moment' today! :)
ReplyDeleteOn Cotober 29, I went to one of the shopping centers near my home to take a walk inside the mall since it was cold and drizzly outside. My Sunny Moment was unexpectedly seeing many cute little kids in Halloween costumes walking around the mall with their parents, collecting candies from some of the mall stores that were participating in some sort of early Halloween celebration for the little ones. I saw a turtle, a cat, a witch, a princess, a Spanish dancer, a Superman, and more. I smiled a lot and really enjoyed myself. I saw costumed kids colelcting candy, falling down, smiling, not smiling, sleeping in their parents arms, playing at the mall's indoor play area, and more. What a great first day to start a Sunny Moment diary. And how wonderful that it wsa a truly unexpected happenstance. Thanks for the Sunny Moment idea.
ReplyDeleteOh I'm so excited about the start of your sunny moments... I just know you'll have many and what a great start. Absolutely love this Halloween Weekend. Already I have lots of sweeties in the pumpkin pot to give all the children this evening. Thanks for popping by Mike always nice to hear from you :)
ReplyDeleteI won't burden you with a lot of my daily sunny moments, but the moment that stood out for October 30 is this: a friend of mine who knows A LOT about computers was able to copy my files from a hard drive on my old computer that was unstable and he did it just before the drive crashed. He gave me all those copied files on his flash drive so I could copy them onto my new computer's hard drive. There were documents I had forgotten I had, and some of them will be quite useful in the future (bad boy me, I had not backed them up). Luckily, I had one of the best backups in the world, a good friend with knowledge he is willing to share and help people with: that is what he calls his "charity work," and he does a lot of it for many fortunate people. I am blessed in many ways. Writing down and thinking about a daily sunny moment (and I had sevreal nice ones on October 30) helps me focus on the good things in my life.
ReplyDeleteHey Mike your not burdening me... I genuinely like to hear from fellow inmates on this wonderful planet. But hey how lucky your friend was around... We all need friends like this. I dont know what I would do if I lost my files. It did happen many years ago, lost some special stuff so, from then on in I always back it up as we both know its stuff that irreplaceable.
ReplyDeleteHave a great day :)
I am back. I was in the Philippines for 30 days, and I did not read any blogs while I was there.
ReplyDeleteI have kept a short diary in my Email Drafts section of the daily sunny moments I have experienced from October 29 through December 4. On a couple of occasions, I neglected to write down the sunny moment on the day I experienced it, so I had to reflect back one or two days later and recall the sunny moment.
There have been multiple sunny moments on probably most, if not all, of the days since October 29, but I disciplined myself to pick just one for each day. I write at least one sentence to describe the moment and sometimes one or two additional sentences of explanation.
I'll give you one snny moment as an example (this is more than I wrote in my Email diary). One day in November, in Metro Manila, I tried two foods I had never eaten before (I got brave): I ate frogs legs (delicious) and fish lips soup (not bad). These had been ordered by one of the twelve family members my wife and I were treating to dinner at a Chinese restaurant (to celebrate Thanksgiving, which is not a Philippines holiday), and I was encouraged to try them. One thing I did NOT try was chicken feet. Otherwise, I had the usual Chinese dim sum and other large plate items that I have eaten before (shrimp fried rice, fish with broccoli, chicken with shrimp chips, and more).
Some of my sunny moments have been:
-- seeing family members I care about
-- getting a very relaxing massage (I paid a little over $10 plus tip for a 1-1/2 hour long house call massage in Metro Manila)
-- talking with a Filipino teacher and some of her special needs students out on a field trip
-- having dinner with family members
-- meeting an interesting person on the flight back home
-- watching the first Harry Potter movie (I have always wanted to see a Harry Potter movie)
-- seeing my son and grandson the second night I was back from my trip.
One day, I choose as my sunny moment having the company of my wife's niece and grandniece at lunch at an Italian restaurant in Metro Manila. A close second was meeting a bunch of young Filipinos (young men and women) who were studying to be teachers. I happened to have five U.S. quarters in my pocket, and I told the students a little bit about George Washington and gave one quarter to each of five students. They were very excited to have them. I was sorry I did not have more quarters for this group of about ten students.
Thinking about and writing down one sunny moment from each day has given me an even greater appreciation for all the blessings I have been lucky to receive in my life. I knew there were good things in my life, but focusing on one or more each day and writing just a little bit about one sunny moment has been a nice experience for me.
So thanks for the idea.
Welcome back Mike, how lovely to hear from you... I did wonder where you’d disappeared to. Hope you and you’re family had a great holiday!
ReplyDeleteIt's fab to see your 'Sunny Moments' were vast and most certainly varied... Unfortunately I often see and feel the negativity around so, it's certainly great to hear about the positives in life as you and I have previously discussed.
I've just returned from a much needed holiday in Malta, a country I’ve never been to before. I can say with honesty, due to de-stressing each and every day I was happily able to open my eyes a little wider and look around more than usual. I soaked up the experience, enjoyed seeing new things and received so much from meeting new people... As you will imagine my ‘sunny moments’ were many filling my heart with the knowledge, despite stresses and strains in life that actually, I’m a very lucky lady in deed just to be able to appreciate life and sense the fact, I’m truly blessed to be able to live in the moment... Something I’ve learned by experiencing ‘Happy Moments’ and by the amazing company I’ve kept.
Thank you so much for sharing and don’t forget Mike I’m always happy to be kept up to date with life as you experience it!
Have a lovely Sunday!