Sunday 7 November 2010

Power of thought and desire...

When I was a little girl I use to think if I placed my hands over my eyes no one would see me... How wrong I was but, what I did manage to eventually do was make my own special power so that I could be amongst others and be completely invisible... One of the things I learned in life is that we’re able to hide, use power and make things happen. So I miraculously became a robot...

Today though, I’m blessed to be able to say I no longer remain that poor invisible little robot. Despite my history my sincere love of people proved that with my own survival-thoughts I managed to cling on to most of life’s priorities. I genuinely love to help and support others, especially in times of distress or them experiencing crisis. I believe at these times you can definitely feel your inner magic transform allowing it to become useful due to the absolute and utter need.

Throughout life, I’ve always tried to maintain a cheery disposition, even when I’ve not felt particularly happy... I’m glad to report most times it worked but sometimes it just didn’t... Back then I desperately needed to develop strategies, mystical mechanisms to help me as a small person cope with a terror filled existence. Let me tell you this... in my childhood, the wonderful thing was, although those mechanisms developed slowly, I witnessed a light with each progression; they became better, clearer and much more acceptable to use in my everyday life. I developed them to the extent that no one realised I was receiving help, but... for me I knew those magical lights which were mysteriously accompanied by a special visitor, would either save me or help significantly so that I could walk my destined path safely and for the most part, I was also able to hold my head high and still not be noticed.

Within life I’ve learned so much and as you can imagine that list’s positively endless... Here are but a few... I needed to be more forgiving of myself and others. I also don’t live in the past like I use to. Don’t let things drift. Stop reflecting on things that didn’t work. Encourage others to feel good. Compromise occasionally, I’m still learning and at the moment I’m focused on how to ask for things for myself. Organise my work and focus on one thing at a time. Make realistic goals and make friends with people who like themselves.

Even as a child I remember clearly using affirmations. I recall I used them more when I was crying and distressed. It wasn't something I shouted out, I would whisper them. I didn’t realise it then but I later came to understand that these work on your sub-conscious level, influencing emotions. When I first learned about repeating affirmations, I frequently thought they might not work but after consistency I noticed I felt relaxed. I quickly learned affirmations had to be strong and positive and just to give you more of an idea when I used this strategy, I generally said things like...

I am happy

I am blessed

I am wanted

I am relaxed

I am loved

I am needed

I am appreciated

I know who I am and I know what’s right

I normally pick the one that suit me best. I repeat it lots throughout the day, but there are thousands of possible affirmations it depends on you, your life style and the need... Sometimes I write it on post it’s and stick them where I’ll be the most... i.e. computer, diary... I repeat and think about it when I go to bed. I’ve found this helps maintain a cheery smile, not always but most times. I also discovered relaxation is one of the most effective strategies. Being relaxed usually means we become more resilient and usually helps us to handle stressful situations appropriately.

I also believe in visualisation, a powerful way of bringing happiness into one’s life. When I use visualisation I generally use it for others and on occasion have used it for myself.

Many of you know I’m preparing to become a grandmother. There is already much I know but, I strongly believe there’s always room for improvement just as I also believe some of the old ways are the best ways, still it doesn’t do any harm to improve oneself in terms of updating knowledge – seeing what modern thoughts and ideas are around on parenting. I feel the old with the new is a really good combination, making it totally possible for both to complement each other...

Hugs from AngelJane :)


  1. Brilliant.... am going to take a page from your book! I came up with a little saying
    I am one with the universe
    I am one with my breath
    I am one with myself!

  2. Thank you, that is a heart warming response. I hope you dont mind if I also use it... :)
